Major in Sociology and Succeed in Business

My name is Kasamba Amiri ’24 and I am a junior at Holy Cross majoring in Sociology pursuing a Certificate in Business Fundamentals. While working towards my Certificate, I have completed a few workshops including Interview Prep, Global Supply Chain Management, and Marketing Communication, & Sales. I have obtained valuable skills and knowledge in these areas, including the Microsoft Excel Tutorial.

With a liberal arts education, we are taught to think about the people behind each facet of a larger functioning body, a skill that proves helpful in developing and maintaining relationships. My relationships with the faculty and staff on campus have helped me understand why I want to pursue a career in business. Working with and meeting alumni through the Ciocca Center has assisted me in networking with professionals as I explore my career options. I was able to connect with Maegan Moriatry ’20 and discuss both the industry and life as a Holy Cross post-graduate! The connections formed through the Ciocca Center have not only helped me prepare for a life in business but for a life as an adult.

My relationships with the faculty and staff on campus have helped me understand why I want to pursue a career in business.

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WIB Hosts Fiona Boyle ’21 to Share Female Finance Experience

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On March 22, 2023, the Women in Business Club hosted an alumna speaker, Fiona Boyle ’21.  She shared her experience of being a female in the finance industry.  Read more to hear takeaways from the audience, written by Olivia Evans ’23.

Fiona Boyle graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in the spring of 2021. She was an Economics major and Art History minor. Upon graduation, Fiona had to navigate the new world that COVID had created for society when it came to the search for a job. During her senior year at Holy Cross, she connected with an HC alumnus on LinkedIn. Later that year, the same alumnus posted a job opening on LinkedIn for a position at a start-up company in Fintech named Mirador. Fiona then reached back out to the alumnus, applied for the job, and later ended up getting an offer and accepting the job. Mirador is now a six-year-old company.

Fiona shared her day-to-day responsibilities at Mirador. Essentially, she creates financial reports for ultra-high-net-worth individuals; therefore, she is responsible for tracking portfolio performance data and building reports to help clients view and understand their assets. Fiona mentioned that Mirador has an excellent onboarding training program for new employees that many refer to as “Mirador University.”

Furthermore, Fiona wanted the audience of the presentation to leave with three main takeaways. Continue reading “WIB Hosts Fiona Boyle ’21 to Share Female Finance Experience”

HC Launch Student Group Host Local Serial Entrepreneur

two men sitting at the front of class

This year, HC Launch has been connecting with the local Worcester startup community.  Recently, the club visited MultiScale Systems, Geisel Software, and is planning a visit to Redemption Rock Brewery later this spring. As with many startups though, one of the companies we were working with only had a desk at a coworking space.  This, we decided, wasn’t suitable for a site visit so we pivoted!

On Monday, March 20th, the HC Launch student group hosted local serial entrepreneur, Jonathan Lincoln. Rob Murner, director of the Ciocca Center and entrepreneur in residence, started the conversation and students were able to learn from Jonathan’s three ventures: Continue reading “HC Launch Student Group Host Local Serial Entrepreneur”

Students Pitch Solutions for Local Business at Innovation Challenge

Group presentation

On Sunday, March 19th, HC Launch hosted its first in-person Innovation Challenge event since the pandemic. It was also Launch’s first event in the newly-built Prior Performing Arts Center.  The challenge was coordinated with a local business, Giesel Software Inc. (GSI), and some of the real-world problems they are facing.  Students pitched in response to one of two challenges; 1) to develop a product or 2) propose a real-estate solution for a rapidly growing business.

GSI’s CEO and founder, Brian Giesel, sat on the judging panel, along with alums Will Spangenberg ‘22 and Ted Pidcock ‘88. Continue reading “Students Pitch Solutions for Local Business at Innovation Challenge”

Students Learn Business Etiquette Over Dinner

Julia Posillico ’25 shares her first-hand experience during the Business Etiquette Dinner on March 1, 2023.

Last night the Holy Cross Sales Club organized a business etiquette dinner run by a managing director and two recruiters from Northwestern Mutual. Nearly thirty students were in attendance and were served a three-course meal while getting advice on networking, interviewing, and etiquette at business meals. So what were the main takeaways from the event? 

When it comes to networking, do your research before you attend an event and know who is going. When you get there make sure you are conscious of who you are talking to with your limited time, and focus on quality over quantity. Making connections with people who already have a lot of connections can be helpful since they can then make additional introductions for you. Also, have easy conversation starters and ways to end one, too. For instance, start with comments on a neutral topic such as why you attending the event, and to end a conversation you could introduce them to someone else. Make sure you have a short but informative elevator pitch and listen more than you speak. If you have a name tag, be suer to put it on your right side so that when you shake hands with someone it is visible. 

Continue reading “Students Learn Business Etiquette Over Dinner”

Student Shares Three Significant Takeaways to Land an Internship

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Robert Posillico ’23 shares his thoughts on the internship search process.

It was the start of 2021, and the world was still figuring out what a post-Covid, new normal would look like. Holy Cross finally allowed students back on campus, locked in our dorms, doing online classes. I had set up my first meeting with the Center for Career Development (CCD) over Zoom to discuss important steps I should be taking as I began to think about a future career. Many internship programs were moved virtual and, in the case of many sophomore programs, shut down completely. I was advised to network and reach out to alums to learn about different career paths and opportunities. Looking back over the last few years, there are three significant takeaways; applying is a numbers game, starting early is key, and network network network!

Many internship programs were moved virtual and, in the case of many sophomore programs, shut down completely.

The Benefits of a Certificate in Business Fundamentals

Student at office desk

Tess Meehan ’24 shares her first-hand experience in the Business Certificate Program and the value it offers.

When I arrived at the College of the Holy Cross, like most freshmen, I was uncertain about my career path and major. How do you choose something you will do for the foreseeable future when you are interested in everything? Business was the one career trajectory I had zero interest in pursuing. My roommate, however, saw things differently. She was convinced that earning a Certificate in Business Fundamentals was an important component to any career. Eventually her sound reasoning of “try it, you might like it” convinced me to join her at the Fullbridge Program, a weeklong exposure to basic business fundamentals within a simulated work environment. By week’s end, I had gained a new appreciation for the value offered by the Certificates. Currently, I am a sophomore double majoring in political science and economics with a Certificate in Business Fundamentals. The Ciocca Center offers several pathways including-business fundamentals, finance and banking as well as entrepreneurship. Eventually, I chose the fundamentals program since it augmented my theoretical understanding of economics by offering classes and workshops to understand the components which comprise business such as marketing, sales, supply chain, ethics, etc. Additionally, the program offered multiple opportunities to engage and network with alumni.

The Business Certificate Program offers something for everyone.

Entrepreneurship Club Visits Local Startup

Experience shared by Alexander Christie ’24, Administrative Director of HC Launch.

This week I was one of fourteen Holy Cross students accompanied by the Ciocca Center director and entrepreneur-in-residence, Rob Murner, to get off campus to visit a local stuartup on February 21. HC Launch, the entrepreneurship club within the Ciocca Center, organized a site visit to Geisel Software, a software development company focused on robotics and artificial intelligence located in Worcester.  We were able to hear from a number of different people within this growing company including the office manager, a few engineers, and the founder/CEO, Brian Giesel. Feedback from students was that this site visit was an extraordinarily positive experience. 

Giesel has something for everyone. There were a number of computer science majors in attendance who certainly benefited from hearing about the career experiences of the engineers. Those of us who weren’t specifically interested in software learned a lot about the intricacies of this field, which will only become more important to understand as technology continues to emulate life. Brian also talked about the founding and growth of the company, as well as the challenges that led the company to where it is today.

There are two primary takeaways from this experience for me and according to Brian, these are two of the key ingredients to his company’s success.  Continue reading “Entrepreneurship Club Visits Local Startup”

Fullbridge Prepares Students for Internships and Jobs

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My name is Maeley Nakamura and I am a freshman at the College of the Holy Cross. I plan to declare economics as my major, and I am also pursuing Certificates in Business Fundamentals and Entrepreneurship through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society.

The Ciocca Center offers students opportunities to successfully incorporate a business education into any Holy Cross major through workshops, events, and clubs. For me, the Ciocca Center presents an incredible opportunity to combine critical business skills and experience, with Holy Cross’ well-rounded liberal arts education, which will help me ethically contribute to society and focus on more than just the bottom line. 

For me, the Ciocca Center presents an incredible opportunity to combine critical business skills and experience, with Holy Cross’ well-rounded liberal arts education, that will help me ethically contribute to society and focus on more than just the bottom line. 

Continue reading “Fullbridge Prepares Students for Internships and Jobs”

Holy Cross Student Investment Fund Attend Stock Pitch Competition in Michigan

Students on a plane

McKenna Best ’23 shares details of the recent stock pitch competition on February 9th, 2023 where twelve Holy Cross students jumped on a jet to the University of Michigan to attend the annual ENGAGE Undergraduate Investment Conference at Michigan’s Ross School of Business. This year was a particularly big deal as the conference experienced a post-COVID return to form: in-person networking, live-action presentations, and one-on-one engagement were all finally back. Having access to all of these opportunities provided invaluable insight and expertise to all attendees, arriving from prestigious universities across America and Canada.

The Holy Cross Student Investment Fund could have attended the conference without competing, but thanks to the hard work of the students involved, Holy Cross was chosen among hundreds of applications to compete including Thomas Keane ’24, JP McCarthy ’24, Maddie Ingram ’23 and John (Jack) Daly ’25.