HC Launch Incubates Eight Student Businesses

On Sunday, September 29, 2019 the HC Launch student incubator started off with its semester kickoff event. The application process yielded eight student-led startup teams, with ventures ranging from data security to the cosmetics industry. Paul Wiley ‘20 and Tom Cremins ‘21, managing directors, kicked off the event discussing the direction of the incubator this semester, matched student teams, and led an engaging team building activity.  Continue reading “HC Launch Incubates Eight Student Businesses”

Ciocca Center Intern Shares Path to Finance

Leif Johnson ’21, Economics Major
Fall 2019 Ciocca Center Intern

Coming into freshman year at Holy Cross I played lacrosse, and only lacrosse. That is who I was my entire life. I am very thankful for the lessons in teamwork and leadership along with the life long friends I made being that these are things I will have forever. I was never in any extracurriculars being that I truly thought all I would do is go to college, play lacrosse, and graduate with a job waiting for me. However, at the beginning of my sophomore year that all changed when I sat down and thought about all the things I wanted to explore on campus and beyond.  Continue reading “Ciocca Center Intern Shares Path to Finance”

Summer Internship Reflection: Caroline Babinski ’20

Name: Caroline Babinski ’20
Major: English with Peace and Conflict Studies Concentration
Position: NBC Nightly News Digital Intern

Reflecting on the internship itself, Babinski comments on how her English major gave her the skills to “effectively convey stories in a concise and enticing way.”

Continue reading “Summer Internship Reflection: Caroline Babinski ’20”

Summer Internship Reflection: Tom Cremins ’21

My name is Tom Cremins ‘21 (pictured third from left), a rising junior economics major and education minor at Holy Cross, and current managing director of the HC Launch incubator through the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society. This summer I had the privilege of interning with Keeling & Associates, a highly-comprehensive consulting firm focused on the higher education sector with the goal of trying to improve learning outcomes for both students and institutions.  Continue reading “Summer Internship Reflection: Tom Cremins ’21”

Ciocca Center Provides Multiple Pathways to Business

The Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society takes business programs at Holy Cross to the next level giving students multiple pathways to study business at the College. “Before, we emphasized that students could ‘major in anything, succeed in business,’ but we only offered the one pathway, the co-curricular certificate of readiness through COES,” says David Chu, the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society’s director of certificate programs and prebusiness advisor. “Now, we are going to give students multiple pathways to learn about business.”

In addition to the technical skill building Certificate in Business Fundamentals and Certificate in Entrepreneurship, the College has recently developed a new interdisciplinary minor in business, ethics, and society. The minor draws on a range of liberal arts disciplines to help students develop historical, economic, political and philosophical perspectives on the world of business, while exploring overarching questions about the role of business in a just society. In addition to this coursework, students in the minor will complete an internship and participate in relevant workshops offered through the Ciocca Center.

Read the full story on the Holy Cross news site.



Ciocca Center Intern: Leif Johnson ’21

Each semester the Ciocca Center hires a new intern to complement the Academic Internship Program through the JD Power Center on campus.  Partnering again with Prof. Dan Ricciardi’s course offering, Leif Johnson ’21 is currently enrolled in “Managing Business in Society” and is interviewing alumni to show how a Jesuit liberal arts degree is an excellent foundation for a career in business.  Check out his fall alumni interviews:

STUDENTS: Interested in the internship? View the description and consider applying next semester.

ALUMNI: Interested in being interviewed? Reach out to business@holycross.edu