On Monday evening, we are wrapping up a busy Pre-Business semester with one final event.
The Road to Employment
Monday, April 16 7-8PM
Stein 223
Featuring a panel of seniors who will discuss their pre-business experience and how it has helped their job search.
This is a great opportunity to come and meet other pre-business students and hear more about the opportunities available to you.
The panel consists of representatives from The Agency, Women in Business, Executive Leadership Workshop, Financial Portfolio and The COES Student Board.
I almost forgot to mention FREE PIZZA!!
Keep an eye out for upcoming Summer Business Program posts. We’ve pushed back the application deadline to Friday, April 20!!
As always, don’t forget to “Like” us on FACEBOOK and look for our WIB, SBP and ELW groups on LinkedIN!
Kaithlyn Kayer
Associate Director, Entrepreneurial Studies
David Chu
Director, Entrepreneurial Studies & Pre-business Advisor