Nick Bettenhauser ’24, George Caldwell ’24, and Cole DiGregorio ’24 are current freshmen who are not wasting time. The three Sales Group chairs are making the most of our virtual semester by connecting with alumni, getting advice, and creating opportunities. Just one month into the fall semester and the group invited Brittany Alkes ’15, client development consultant for Thomson Reuters, to speak to the Sales Club on Thursday, October 1.
Brittany Alkes ’15 shared valuable advice, including:
- Branding: start now! Create a LinkedIn account and start connecting with Alumni
- Be Active: when on LinkedIn, be active and post articles that will gravitate towards your clientele
- Personalize, Listen, Read, Share: share things that represent you, your company, and the beliefs of both
- Holy Cross: work on skills like selling yourself and branding before you graduate
- Alumni: add every alum you meet on LinkedIn
Stay tuned for more events! Make sure you are on the mailing list by registering for a student business club.