2017 Women in Business Student Recap

Miss the annual Women in Business conference? No worries! Read a review of the 2017 Women in Business conference, written by committee members Sarah Anderson ’20 and Kate Beckerman ’20.   Special THANK YOU to Provost Freije for interviewing Deirdre Latour ’95, Senior Advisor, VP & COO at GE.

Find Your Power Center: GE’s Deirdre Latour ’95 Offers Advice to Students at Women in Business Conference. Students spent a day learning and networking with alumnae at annual conference.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 3, 2018 << Stay tuned for the keynote announcement!




My Mom Made Me: Going Strong Ever Since

This year at the Women in Business Conference, we are ~shaking~ things up! Out with the old and in with the new.   We’ve transformed our keynote address into a keynote interview and to celebrate the evolution of the Conference, we’ve interviewed four students from four different majors. They have shared their insights into the Conference and gave some of the biggest tips they’ve learned over the years! Be sure to read up about their experiences and sign up for the Conference at holycross.edu/business/wib

Sociology Major

Q: How did you hear about the Women in Business conference?
My mom is an alumnae (Moira Garvey ’78), and she actually brought me to a Women in Business conference back when I was only 11 years old. I got to go to some of the panels and I was hooked. Then once I got into HC, I made sure to sign up for the Prebusiness program so that I could keep an eye out for the conference each year.

Q: What year did you attend?
I’ve attended every year that I’ve been at HC, so that would be 2014, 2015, and 2016. Plus the time when I was 11!

Q: What was your favorite part of the conference?
I’ve really enjoyed when the alumni at the table engage with us students and try to figure out what helpful advice, tip and tricks they can give us. They have insight that is super helpful.

Q: What was one lasting connection you made at the conference?
I have made sure to talk to Mary Donahue Quinlan every single year. She had a panel at the conference when I went as an 11 year old, and from then on I have been a loyal fan!

Q: What are you most looking forward to at the conference this year?
This year I’m a senior so I think any advice that alums have for me will be helpful. Hopefully I can make some connections that will help me achieve success and happiness.
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Thanks to Casey Carty ’18 for this interview.  Hope to see you all at the conference this year on Saturday, November 11, 2017.  Registration is OPEN so be sure to sign up!




2017 Women in Business Conference – REGISTRATION OPEN!

As a student at College of the Holy Cross, homework, sports practice, club meetings and the job search can be overwhelming. How can a student at Holy Cross possibly manage to build their network while also meeting deadlines?

Answer: The Women in Business Conference.

Every November, the Women in Business Committee brings upwards of 200 student and alumnae together to meet, chat about life on the Hill and learn about life in the real world in Hogan Ballroom. The all day event includes FOOD, FUN and NETWORKING! What more could you want from a Saturday on the Hill? The alumnae that travel back to their alma mater are here to talk with student, dish out great advice and if you’re lucky, hand you their business cards for the next time you’re in their area.

This year on Saturday, November 11, Chief Communications Officer of GE, Deirdre Latour is coming to talk about her life at Holy Cross as a History major and how she became the awesome, powerful, inspiring woman she is today! Check out the agenda, panels and alumnae on the website.  Be sure to register while you are there!

This year’s sponsors include: GE, PepsiCo, Deloitte and Eaton Vance. In addition to sponsoring this incredible event, GE and PepsiCo will also be sending alumnae representatives to the college to have recruiting lunches. This of course is by application ONLY, so be sure to get your resumes in early to have a little extra face to face time with these two fantastic companies! How do you apply? 1) Register for the conference 2) Send your resume to prebusiness@holycross.edu

If you’re missing out on the Women in Business Conference, your missing out on networking with some of the most fun, charismatic and passionate women in the world of business. Be sure to register for your spot now!

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Thank you to Casey Carty ’18, WIB Student Committee Member, for this great write up.  Hope to see you at the conference on Saturday, November 11, 2017! #HCWIB #HCWomeninBiz

Meet Riley Benner ’20: Founder of Phoenix Haberdashey

Riley Benner’ 20
Summer Assistant, Prebusiness Office
Founder, Phoenix Haberdashery

“I wanted to take subjects that I truly enjoy like philosophy and political science, but still gain the technical skills to be successful following graduation. That is exactly what Holy Cross has offered me: the ability to pair a liberal arts education with a professional business understanding.”

1) Why did you choose Holy Cross?
At the time I was applying to schools I was looking for a small college with a Jesuit identity. There was no better fit than HC. I wanted to learn more about the business world, but I didn’t want my whole schedule taken up by accounting, economics, and management classes. I wanted to take subjects that I truly enjoy, like philosophy and political science, but still gain the technical skills to be successful following graduation. That is exactly what Holy Cross has offered me: the ability to pair a liberal arts education with a professional business understanding.

2) What has been your favorite aspect of Holy Cross?
Hands down… the people. You hear that the Holy Cross network is incredible. They aren’t lying. The Prebusiness Office has been especially supportive with my startup. Every member of the HC community – professors, staff, alumni, and even students – truly want to see their fellow crusaders succeed.

3) Tell me more about your startup.
Junior year of high school I started a company called Phoenix Haberdashery, a high-end mens’ accessory brand known for its line of reversible, double-sided neckties.  All of our employees are refugees who came to America to escape violence and tyranny. For most of them working with us was their first job, which is why we use the Phoenix to represent the brand- it symbolizes rebirth and new opportunities. Each tie purchased will tell the story of the sewer who made it, a powerful way to show our customers that not only was their tie handmade and carefully constructed, but it was done by someone with an incredible story.  Keep up with these stories on Instagram.

4) How have you been involved with the Entrepreneurial Studies & Prebusiness Office?
When I decided halfway through the second semester of my freshmen year to resume my company, I knew that the first place to go would be the Office of Entrepreneurial Studies. I met with Professor Chu and two other faculty to learn about (and later receive) the Ignite Fund, a grant that allows students to gain capital and jumpstart their ideas. Professor Chu also invited me to an alumni networking event in Boston for entrepreneurs. I went, pitched my idea, and met several alumni who have been incredibly helpful in Phoenix Haberdashery’s early development. I decided to stay in Worcester over the summer and was hired to work in the Prebusiness Office. While here, I’ve been learning about business administration and getting tips on how to successfully scale my startup.

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If you want to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Studies & Prebusiness Office, check out our website and follow us on Instagram. Thank you Riley, for sharing your story – we look forward to seeing your business grow!



AVOID CAMPUS CHAOS! Fullbridge Summer Session


Avoid campus chaos and move in a week early for the Fullbridge summer session, August 21-26, 2017.  Learn business basics through real-world content, professional development and an expanded network.  Find your professional edge with Fullbridge.

All classes and majors encouraged to apply. Succeed in business!





CPP STUDENT HIGHLIGHT: Ben Lodge ’18 started the COES Professional Program during his freshmen year with the Fullbridge Professional Edge Program. He later participated in two alumni-led business workshops: Finance Boot Camp and Marketing Communications & Sales.  Ben will receive his Certificate of Readiness and Graduation Pin at the upcoming Prebusiness: Road to Success event on April 18.

Ben’s advice to underclassmen? Start early and try everything. Completing the Fullbridge program my freshman year gave me ample time to attend a few of the many workshops offered by COES. I was also able to attend many of the alumni lectures and dinners that the office sponsors.  Through these experiences I was able to explore a multitude of industries in order to find out what I was interested in and how I could turn those interests into a career.

Join Prof. Chu in congratulating Ben and the many other students who have earned the Certificate of Readiness! Hear more advice and eat free pizza on Tuesday, April 18 at 5PM in Stein 208. 








Your Guide to Career Direction = Fullbridge

INFO SESSION>> Tuesday, March 21 at 5PM in Hogan 519
To complement the Holy Cross rigorous education, Fullbridge Professional Edge will immerse you in business, finance, marketing, and innovation—for career direction. Working closely in teams to tackle real-world projects, you will develop a strong core of work competencies, and develop confidence to take your next step. Your Fullbridge coach will be your guide and mentor throughout the six-day program.

Classrooms will be transformed into a simulated workplace – the program is an intensive lecture-free hands-on experience that culminates in a final team presentation. Get real world experience. Fast. 

  • August 21 – 26, 2017 (week before fall classes begin)
  • January 15 – 20, 2018 (week before spring classes begin)
  • May 17 – 23, 2018 (week between finals and graduation)

GET STARTED>> fullbridge.com/holycross



Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 3.59.14 PMThe summer has ended and that means it’s time to get back to business!

JOIN US  on Wednesday, September 14th  at 5PM in Stein 120 to discuss the COES Professional Program, office hours, prebusiness advisors, and recommended courses – and more.

Interested in a specific area of business? We will also have student chairs from all of the Prebusiness clubs which include finance, marketing and sales, communications and advertising, and entrepreneurship. See below for more information on these club leaders and feel free to reach out to them with any questions you make have.

If that’s not enough to get you excited, there will also be FREE PIZZA! We hope to see you there!

Reilly Bloom ’18, rcbloo18@g.holycross.edu
Matt Casale ’18, mpcasa18@g.holycross.edu (abroad)
Dimitri Savidis ’18, dsavid18@g.holycross.edu (abroad)

Clayton Krueger ’17, CDKRUE17@g.holycross.edu
Tom Cotter ’17, tcott17@g.holycross.edu

Caroline Keane ’17, cekean17@g.holycross.edu
Matthew Brown ’18, mpbrow18@g.holycross.edu
Casey Carty ’18, cacart18@g.holycross.edu (abroad)
Carter Mitchell ’19, csmitc19@g.holycross.edu 

Carson Marsh ’17, chmars17@g.holycross.edu
Michael Sixsmith ’17, mwsixs17@g.holycross.edu

Thanks to Sarah Slipek ’17, our Student Assistant, for her detailed description of this upcoming campus event. Like she said, hope to see you there! As always – check out the new COES instapage @HCPrebusiness – and watch for future student write-ups of Prebusiness events.
Cassie Gevry
Associate Director, Entrepreneurial Studies







PREBUSINESS: Road to Success 4/18


The COES Pre-Business Office will soon be hosting Prebusiness: Road To Success on Monday, April 18 at 5pm in Stein 188B, featuring Holy Cross senior panelists outlined below.  These seasoned seniors, along with those receiving the COES Professional Program Certificate of Readiness, will share their experiences and insights on all things from internships, interviews and job offers, COES workshops and the different events and clubs in which they participate. Psst! Free Pizza!

Here’s a snapshot preview of what our panelists have accomplished during their time on the hill.  Hope to see you there! 

Richie Armstrong ‘16, an Economics major, spent a semester in the Washington D.C. Program last year, where he interned at International Business-Government Counselors. This past summer, Richie interned as a Summer Analyst at the Blackstone Group. He has taken an interest in finance and sales through his involvement in the various Prebusiness clubs, including the Sales Club. He also participates on campus as a senior interviewer, in SPUD,  and in the Holy Cross Outreach Program. This summer he will begin working full-time as a client support analyst with Eze Software.

   Marios Marios Dardas ‘16, a Computer Science major, spends much of his time immersing himself in new experiences and ideas. Last summer he interned at Harvard University working alongside ecologists, chemists, computer scientists and other researchers at its’ 3500 Acre research facility known as the Harvard Forest. At Holy Cross, he is actively involved in the Prebusiness program whether it be its’ workshops, seminars, clubs, or the usual visit to Professor Chu’s office. This summer he will begin working full-time with data scientists as a
Technical Analyst at JP Morgan Chase in NY.

mlashotoMaryAnn LaShoto ‘16, an English major, studied abroad last year at Trinity College in Dublin. She returned from Ireland to an internship at Boston Globe Media, where she worked as a Business Communications/Community Relations Intern. At Holy Cross, she acts as Senior Chair of the Agency (Marketing/Communications Club) and as a planning committee member of the Women in Business Conference, along with Sydney.

medinaJake Medina ‘16, an Economics major with a Peace and Conflict Studies minor, interned last summer at J.P. Morgan as an Investment Banking Analyst in New York. At Holy Cross he is Senior Chair of the Finance Club. Jake also participated in this year’s Shark Tank Competition, pitching his company as Co-Founder and President of Student Empowerment Program, and walked away with 2nd place. With the winnings, he continues to expand the non-profit start-up.

sydneySydney-Zeferina Pugliares ‘16, an English major and Italian minor, spent her junior year abroad in Florence, and returned last summer to intern at Victoria’s Secret in the Merchandising department. At Holy Cross, she is involved in the Prebusiness program as the Senior Chair of the Holy Cross Entrepreneurs Group (HCEG) and as a Student Assistant in the office. She also works with MaryAnn on the Women in Business Conference planning committee.


Photo Booth Fun: Women in Business Celebrates 10th Anniversary!

Over 200 alumnae and students celebrated the tenth anniversary of the annual Women in Business conference at the College of the Holy Cross this past Saturday, November 7, 2015.  Aimee Bell ’88, keynote and Deputy Editor of Vanity Fair magazine, spoke to the theme of “Major in Anything – Succeed in Business: Creating Your Platform for Success.”

Read more on the event from the review by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

Now to the fun stuff… and ladies – you are photogenic!



Thanks to our student photographers, Colleen Paddock ’16 & Erin Cunningham ’16, for making the photo booth possible! Great shots! Looking forward, save the date for next year: Saturday, November 5, 2016.

Cassie Gevry
Associate Director, Entrepreneurial Studies